Ageing and processing of foods can affect their natural colour. During processing, food ingredients’ colour may change into one that doesn’t look appealing to consumers. To compensate for this, food colours are food additives which are added to foods mainly for the following reasons:
- to make up for colour losses following exposure to light, air, moisture and variations in temperature
- to enhance naturally occurring colours
- to add colour to foods that would otherwise be colourless or coloured differently.

Food colours are contained in many foods, including snack foods, margarine, cheese, jams and jellies, and desserts, drinks, etc. Each food colour authorised for use in the European Union is subject to a rigorous scientific safety assessment.
To regulate these additives and inform consumers, each additive is assigned a unique number called an “E number”, which is used in Europe for all approved additives.
Food colouring (E100–E199 (colours))
Colourings are added to food to replace colours lost during preparation or to make food look more attractive.
Permitted colouring substance according to Food Regulation Malaysia as below:

MyTEST Lab are accredited for colouring testing by using UV Spectrophotometer.
Kindly contact us for quotation or further discussion at 03-89489822 or email to